
Chapter 5 Popular struggles and Movements(Ncert notes)

Establishment of democracy in Nepal.

-Meaning of the word democracy: – Democracy is the govt of the people, for the people and by the people.

-The aims of the movement for democracy in Nepal :
The Nepalese movement for democracy arose with the specific objectives of reversing the kings orders that led to suspension of democracy. Establishment of democracy in Nepal :

-Democracy established in Nepal in 1990.

-King Birendra accepted it.

-King Gyanendra the new king of Nepal was not prepared to accept democratic rule after the death of king Birendra.

-The king dismissed the popularly elected Parliament.

-The movement of April 2006 was aimed at regaining popular control over the govt from the king and establish democracy means the govt of the people. All the major parties of parliament formed a seven party alliance. (SPA) and called for a four day strike in Kathmandu, the country’s capital.

-On 21st April the protestors served an ultimatum to the king.

-24th April 2006 was the last day of the ultimatum, the king was forced to concede all the demands.

-The SPA choose Girija Parasad Koirala as new Prime Minister of the interim govt. The parliament passed laws taking away most of the powers of the king. This struggle came to be known as Nepal’s second movement for democracy.

Questions :

  1. What was SPA?
  2. What was the main demands of people of Nepal?
  3. When did the protestors served ultimatum to the king?
  4. What was the aims of movement for democracy in Nepal?
  5. How was democracy established in Nepal?

Topic – 2

-Sectional Interest groups and Public Interest Group meaning of Interest Groups.

-Usually interest groups seek to promote the interests of a particular section or group of society.

-Sectional Interest Groups :- They are sectional because they represent a section of society-workers, employees, business, persons, industrialists, followers of religion, caste group etc.

-Features : Their principal concern is the betterment and well being of their members, not society in general.

-Public Interest Groups : Public interest group promote collective rather than selective goods. They aim to help groups other than their own members.

-Example : BAMCEF (Backward and minorities community employees federation),

Questions :

  1. Distinguish between sectional interest groups and public interest groups?
  2. Give one example of public interest group?
  3. What is public welfare groups?
  4. In what ways do pressure groups and movements exert influence on politics.

Written by Rohit Yadav

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